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[Poster] Good Outdoor Advertising Culture Competition

Mockup Designed by GarryKillian / Freepik
Mockup Designed by GarryKillian / Freepik
제1회 바람직한 옥외광고 문화확산 대학(원)생 공모전
The 1st Good Outdoor Advertising Culture Promotion College Student Competition

한국옥외광고센터(https://www.ooh.or.kr/)에서 주관한
"제1회 바람직한 옥외광고 문화확산 대학(원)생 공모전"의 벽보 부문에서 은상을 수상한 작품입니다.
벽보 옥외광고의 문제점은 바로, 무분별하게 부착되어 미관을 어지럽힌다는 것입니다.

무분별하게 부착된 옥외광고의 경각심을 주기 위해
자신의 집에 불법 옥외광고물이 붙여져 있는 이미지로 표현하였고,
'무분별한 옥외광고물, 내 집이라면 붙이시겠습니까?'라는 메세지를 전달합니다.

The award-winning film won the silver prize in the outdoor poster ad category of the "1st Desirable Outdoor Advertising Culture Promotion College Contest" organized by the Korea Outdoor Advertising Center.
An essential problem with outdoor poster advertising is that it interferes with aesthetic harmony with its reckless placement.

This artwork aims to raise awareness about the indiscriminate placement of outdoor advertisements by depicting an image of illegal outdoor advertising affixed to one's own home. The message it conveys is, 'Would you allow indiscriminate outdoor advertisements on your own home?'
Thank you!

[Poster] Good Outdoor Advertising Culture Competition


[Poster] Good Outdoor Advertising Culture Competition
